New Entries
When a new wrestler or tag team is submitted to PWA, there are three other requirements besides the wrestler(s) themselves
1) Resume/Letter of Introduction – The purpose here is to introduce PWA staff to your new wrestler and to begin building a background that will add to his character in the ring and behind the mic. As Gary will be calling his/her matches, it would be helpful if he knew something about the wrestler you created. This can be in character.
2) Bio – This is a brief (or in-depth) biography that will be presented on this website along with a personalized portrait (see Quills for details), so that your peers can learn who just pinned thier shoulders to the mat. 🙂
3) Tryout Promo – Simulate a video promo of your wrestler presenting himself to a PWA audience for the first time via a text presentation, like you would on this site’s promo forum. Sell your character. Make people want to pay money to see him. Most of all, find your character’s voice and promo style.
Send each of these three things to:
We will wait to book your wrestler while you complete the above items.

All wrestlers may have up to 170 total points.
Light Heavyweight Title – For wrestlers 200 lbs and under. Use only Small body sizes for Lt. Heavies. Make Lt. Heavies 6’0″/200lbs or under for easy identification on the character select screen.
Tag Team Title – Pretty self-explanitory. There will not be an eight or six man tag team title (yet). Tag teams can be of any weight class combination and WILL NOT compete as singles, unless you break the tag team up.
Heavyweight Title – This will almost always be a straight match, but it could be a no DQ or cage match, depending on the circumstances.
All championship matches will be 2 out of 3 falls unless otherwise noted.

Banned: The following are banned from PWA:
The GIANT fighting/reversal style
The SHOOTER fighting/reversal style
The FIGHTER fighting/reversal style
The GRAPPLER fighting/reversal style
CRITICAL! Ability MUST be set to Finisher.
Special Skill MUST be set to Finisher. Champions of each division will get their special skill changed from Finisher to Superstar.
SKILLS: Breathing, Recovery, and Spirit MUST be set at least 1 level lower when bleeding than when they are at normal; it is allowed to set both at the lowest possible.

MMA and Entertainment offense and defense must be set to 1. You may have 1 offense and 1 defense set to 8, everything else is limited to 7 or lower.

Banned Moves
The Front Facelock weak grapple move
The Andre/Abdullah elbow drop pin [Elbow Drop Hold]
The face-sit pin (Not the running or standing ‘earthquake’ drop pins)
The ‘fictional’ moves (Blazing Tornado, Deadly Go Round, etc)
Any move that initiates an MMA position (i.e., Double Leg Tackle ends in Guard position and is banned) or is too MMA in nature (Mounted Punches, Knees to the Crown, etc.)
Other Requirements
Don’t make your guy a “striker”. A Striker is someone that has more than TWO martial-arts style striking moves in both Medium and Strong grapples, INCLUDING your finisher. In other words, you may have 1 martial arts combo in Medium and 1 in Strong, OR 2 in Medium, OR 2 in Strong and no more than that. Lariats and low blows are not martial-arts strikes. Kick combos and punch rushes and superkicks are.
You may have one specialty per situation (move style header, i.e. Running or Post). You may have your finisher and one specialty in the same situation; you may not have both a finisher submission and a specialty submission for attacks when opponent is on the ground. In this case, running attacks and counter running attacks count as the same situation.
Finishers and specialties must be set in Big move slots in your move list.
You may NOT put “special” or “finisher” on any ground pinning move (eg, double prawn hold, jacknife pin, lateral press..)
You may NOT put “finisher” on running ground attacks (like Hulk Hogan’s legdrop of doom, or the Earthquake), or ground german suplexes/karelin lifts.
Maximum 2 pinning moves in back grapple situation.
You may have EITHER the Karelin Lift OR the ground belly to back suplex. You may not have both.
PLEASE do not do all “finisher” quality moves. It doesn’t give your guy an advantage or anything, but it is really lame to see a guy that does a Rock Bottom, Stunner, Pedigree, Jackhammer, and Fisherman Buster. It’s stupid and unrealistic.
Bleeding Effect: One “Foreign Object” per wrestler per situation. This means pick EITHER Fire OR Mist… Biting OR the Fork (In this case, Front and Back Grapple count as the same situation. If you pick the fork or biting in front grapple, you can’t use it in back grapple, too).
Courtesy: Please have other characters in mind when creating your own. Look at past shows and take note of what moves people do. At least try to create someone that is different from everyone else. It would not be fair to enact a rule that states “no two people can use the same finisher”, but it is just common courtesy not to rip off the moves of others.
Real Life: Please don’t involve real life in PWA. This is Fire Pro, not the real world. If you need to reference a real-life wrestler or wrestling company, please use its fake Fire Pro name found here.
CPU logic
Now for logic rules. These are ever-changing. And in some cases, they make lots of sense on paper, but when making your guy they just don’t seem right. If your guy violates any of these rules, it may be fine, on a case by case basis. These rules are meant to balance the characters, so no one has an unfair advantage.
Unless otherwise specified, there is a maximum 30% for any one move. This doesn’t pertain to things like picking a wrestler up, grappling, attack as normal options, etc. It pertains to say, having your guy do his finisher 75% of the time.
Putting all or most of your % on heavy striking moves is a little much too. “Linking” your strikes by having your wrestler knock the his opponent down, then drag him up, knock him down again, then drag him up, then knock him down again… that’s not fair and won’t be tolerated.
If you have specialty and finisher in the same situation, there is a maximum 40% combined for those moves. For example, one specialty in standing strikes, one specialty in running/counter run, one specialty in front grapple, one specialty in back grapple, and a front grapple finisher, with front grapple specialty set to 15% and front grapple finisher set to 25%.
Illegal/Bleeding moves and Knuckle Arrow may only be used in Large/Critical Damage situations and have a maximum of 10%. This includes ground bleed-causing repeating strikes, like the Mounted Knuckle, Mounted Headbutt, and Mounted Elbow. Bear in mind that these moves may trigger submissions, so they also may NOT be used in Critical Damage unless they are Specials or Finishers, and as Specials are capped at 10%.
The Shockah Clause: The Forearm Hammers (Vader Hammers) move has a maximum 10% IN ALL SITUATIONS.
stand back (stall)

Obviously, if you don’t want to circle an opponent or stand back that makes sense. However grappling should be set at SOMETHING!
Initiate Grapple minimum 20% in both Small and Large damage.
Maximum 40% on any one strike.
Specials and Finishers in this category must be set to 0 in ALL damage situations. They may be used in the Opponent Dazed situation.
initiate GRAPPLE

Small Moves Defined: Grapple (SML), Grapple (SML) + Direction
Medium Moves Defined: Grapple (MED), Grapple (MED) + Direction
Big Moves Defined: Grapple (BIG), Grapple (BIG) + Direction, Grapple (SML)+(MED)
General maximum of 30% on any one move applies.
Grapple (3D) usually set to Front Headlock, maximum 10% in all damages. Most people that use this abuse it by always using it and following it up with a submission. That’s the cheapest way to win matches.
Grapple (Run) usually set to Hammer Throw, maximum 25% in all damages.
If you use a FINISHER in this situation, it MUST be set at 0% at Small Damage AND Medium Damage. The general maximum of 30% applies at Large Damage.
On Small Damage: Big moves MUST be set to 0%.
On Small Damage: 15% maximum combined to Medium moves.
On Small Damage: 0% maximum to any Finisher.
On Medium Damage: 15% minimum combined to Small moves.
On Medium Damage: 15% maximum combined to Big moves.
On Medium Damage: 0% maximum to any Finisher.
On Large Damage: 5% minimum combined to Small moves.
On Large Damage: 15% minimum combined to Medium moves.
On Large Damage: Maximum 2 pinning moves (fisherman’s suplex, holding powerbomb, etc.) including your Finisher over 0%.
On Large Damage: Submission holds maximum 0% unless it is Finisher/Specialty.
circle opponent

Maximum 40% on any move.
On Large Damage: 25% minimum to Back Grapple (SML) and Back Grapple (MED) combined.
On Large Damage: 10% maximum to any submission hold unless it is your Finisher.
Reiteration: You may have no more than two pinning moves in this situation.
Irish Whip

Counter (BRH) move has a maximum 10%, because making a guy run for a minute straight will kill his stamina.
Finisher: Maximum 0% on Small Damage. Maximum 30% on Large Damage.

Maximum 40% on any Grapple (BIG) moves.
Opp.Down Near Corner / Opp.Dazed Near Corner

Do Not Ascend minimum 10% in all situations. Even luchadores don’t ALWAYS go to the top rope.
Maximum 40% on any one move.
Opp.Down Near Center

Don’t Run minimum of 40%. Abusing the running ground attacks is just as cheap as anything.
Keep running attacks under 30%.
Opp.Down – Face Up / Opp.Down – Face Down

Maximum 40% on any one move; this does not apply to Pick Opponent Up or Roll Opp. Face Up/Face Down.
Maximum 40% on Head (PIN) and Legs (PIN) combined. Pinning DOES wear a wrestler out.
0% on Roll Opp. Face Up/Face Down is fine under all circumstances.
The Karelin Lift or the Ground belly to Back Suplex, if either is used, has a maximum of 15% usage. Reiteration: You may not have both of these moves.
Small Damage: Minimum 25% Pick Opponent Up.
Small Damage: Do NOT put finisher-class ground submissions > 0%. Stick to true “psychology” wear-down type holds.
Small Damage: It IS acceptable to have stomping moves or holds account for 100% of small damage logic, keeping to the 40% maximum for any one move.
Small Damage: Maximum 0% on any ground submission Finisher.
Medium Damage: Minimum 40% Pick Opponent Up.
Medium Damage: Maximum 0% on any ground submission Finisher.
Large Damage: Minimum 55% Pick Opponent Up.
Large Damage: You may not have a submission hold unless it is a specialty. A specialty submission hold should be maximum 10%.
Reiteration: You may not have both a Finisher submission and a Specialty submission in this situation.
Opp.Dazed Near Center / Opp.Dazed

Don’t Run should be set to minimum 40% in all situations.
Front Grapple/Back Grapple should be set to a minimum 40% combined in all situations. Specials and Finishers in Opponent Dazed must be set to 0% in small and large damage. They may be used in Critical Damage at a combined 40% maximum.
Guard Position/mount position/back mount position
If everyone sticks to the limitations on moveset, there should be no situation in which these moves are used.

Leave these at the default values. Management will set Ukemi for all wrestlers.
Opp.At Back

No limits.
Opp.Outside of Ring

Standard 30% maximum applies to all moves. Does not apply to Do Nothing or Leave Ring.

If you don’t want your guy to taunt, don’t. But even Steve Blackman shows signs of life SOMETIMES… Plus, if you do not taunt, you will get no benefit from the “Superstar” skill if you win a title.

You are encouraged to use 3 or 4 priority moves. That being said, some caveats:
DO NOT have a Specialty lead right to a Finisher or vice versa.
Finisher or Specialty leading to pin is fine, but may only be used in Critical damage.
Moves leading to wear down holds are perfectly fine, but must be set to 0% under Critical damage.
personality traits

Okay, wins and losses do count, but being entertaining in promos AND in matches is going to mean every bit as much as your win/loss record. Entertaining personalities that are fun to watch in the ring get booked and pushed. Squash monsters will be killing jobbers until they retire and will get no title shots. So, plan accordingly and brush up on your promo skills. Make sure your wrestler wrestles with personality and wrestling logic; i.e., if your wrestler is a singles competitor, cooperation should be low. The opposite is true of tag team partners. Playing a cowardly heel? Keep your touchwork high. So on and so forth.
Exceptions for the above rules may be made, but you have to talk to us about it and have a good reason that we agree with. If we ask you to make some adjustments to your wrestler, you are welcome to discuss those changes with us, but PWA’s decision is final.