
Snow is backstage, grabbing a water from the catering spread when Derrick Arzon walks up and starts pouring a several cups of coffee and placing them on a carrying tray.

Snow: Derrick! Those lunatics let you out of the bag?

Derrick: Oh wow, SNOW! Man, this is such a great honor to finally meet you in person, but…. I gotta get this coffee back to General Sensei Junior Cobra. He’s been training me in the exact right way to make it! He says it’s important to center my chia, which is caffeine-based.

Derrick has stopped filling the coffee cup just over half way. He grabs a dozen packs of sugar and starts opening them one at a time, dumping each one into the cup in sequence. Snow stares on in obvious horror.

Snow: Hey, man. You know you don’t have to go back to them, right? If they let you out, it’s time to stay away. They are not treating you right.

Derrick finishes with the sugar packets, and grabs a highly sweetened creamer and starts filling cups up the rest of the way with that.

Derrick: Look, I get it. I know how it looks, but General Sensei Junior Cobra said that this training style, while controversial, has been proven to work and has been perfected over millennia by generations of professional wrestlers even dating back to prehistoric times, when this method was first implemented by Ugg the Magnificent. General Sensei Junior Cobra says he’s going to teach me how to take the Anaconda Vice later!

Snow: Uh…Derrick…

Derrick has grabbed the tray of about twelve cups of coffee and carefully darted away.

Snow: I have GOT to get that boy away from them.