*** The crowd erupts in a cavalcade of cheers as Akira Wyld rolls away from the defeated Viktor Sokolov and onto his own back, then, exhausted as he is, he raises both fists straight into the air in celebration. Sokolov slowly rolls out of the ring to the outside. He drops to one knee outside of the ring, leaning on the apron, rubbing his sore neck and pounding the mat in frustration. Masked Shooter II is leaning back in a corner watching as the referee helps Akira Wyld to his feet and presents Akira with the PWA Heavyweight Championship belt. Akira looks down in reverence at the gleaming platinum belt in his hands. The look of reverence turns to pride as he slowly raises the belt over his head to the crowd, who respond with a louder chorus of cheers. Shooter II shakes his head and claps his hands twice, in a begrudging acknowledgement a defeated man gives to his victor. Akira takes time to show the belt to the fans on each side of the ring.
As Akira approaches the side of the ring facing the ramp, he stops short in his celebration. At the head of the ramp is Damion Black. His stone-faced expression is hidden behind the black shades over his eyes. Akira slings the belt over his shoulder and shouts something, pointing his finger at Black, then pounding his chest. Black gives Akira a slow, mocking applause, then he nods. In an instant, Sokolov is back in the ring and he blindsides the new Heavyweight Champion with a lariat! Sokolov begins stomping Akira with renewed vigor! Referee Bill White rushes in and tries to pull Sokolov off of Akira but he is immediately shoved across the ring by the Siberian Psychopath. Masked Shooter II squares himself up and stalks over to Sokolov with purpose….. and begins putting the boots to Akira himself!
Black calmly makes his way down the ramp to the ring, removing his suit jacket and loosening the tie around his neck. In the ring, Shooter pulls Akira to his feet and unleashes a devastating Gear Jammer! Without giving Akira a chance to recover, Sokolov lifts him up by the hair and executes a Dominator on the new champion! Black walks up the steps to the ring and calmly steps between the ropes. He removes the tie from his neck and tosses it to the Shooter. Shooter hands one end of the tie to Sokolov, and each man kneels, one knee each on Akira’s back, then they loop the tie around Akira’s neck and pull back, forcing Akira’s torso up and off of the mat. Black looks down coldly at Akira, his face contorting into a mask of rage, and he repeatedly slaps Akira’s blood-soaked face, harder and harder with each strike!
The locker rooms empty, wrestlers pouring from both sides of the arena and sliding, rolling, and leaping into the ring in an attempt to pull apart the attackers and their victim … and then shit goes sideways! Tiger Gold is the first man to reach the ring! Tiger Gold clutches the Masked Shooter II in a sleeper hold, only for the Shooter to instantly tuck his chin and spring upward. They go tumbling backward, breaking the hold and sending both men out of the ring and trying to get hold of each other! Cynthia and Titus Love, followed by Average Joe, grab hold of Shooter’s arms … when Joe viciously smacks the Loves’ heads together! Tiger Gold, in an instant of shock, is open to a vicious kick from Shooter to the midsection, followed by a DDT, while Average Joe puts the boots to the Loves!
At the same time, Spencer Watts, his eyes locked on Damion Black like a heat-seeking missile, spears him off of his lizard-skin shoes and at the feet of the Spoiler III, who is just rolling up from getting into the ring! Watts mounts Black, the smaller man’s knees pinning Black’s shoulders to the mat, and Watts gets two solid punches to Black’s face before he is kicked off by the Spoiler! Watts lands in front of Nakamura Yamasaki, who is on all fours … and spits a mouthful of broken glass in Watts’ face! Spoiler helps Black to his feet …
… as Kevin Starr tries to make a running leap up onto the apron, only to have his partner, Bobby Fame, sweep his feet out from underneath him! Starr drops like a stone, kissing the apron – the hardest part of the ring – and falls back on the floor! Fame turns in time to eat a flying knee from La Nieve! She and Pantaro quickly scramble into the ring and help Wyld to his feet. The Wylds and Derrik Arzon stand around them protectively, looks of wary confusion on their faces. The Masked Saboteurs, having just smashed Mangas the Mongol with a series of vicious chair shots, close in on the Wylds with the battered chairs. The stand-off lasts for one second when Pantaro hops straight up and delivers a reverse crescent kick to La Nieve, sending her sprawling! Derrick Arzon shoves the unsuspecting Rebel Wyld into one of the Saboteurs’ chairs! Nikki and Alyssa are left dumbfounded as they try to drag Akira out of the ring past the biting, punching, and clawing Nakamura Yamasaki and the half-blind Spencer Watts! Nikki, closer to the ropes, is stopped when Alex Prime, reaching in from the floor, grabs her leg, only to be double axe-handled from behind by Robert MacElroy! The Cold Snakes rush over; Giant Anaconda hoists Prime up into a full nelson, holding him as Mighty Cobra delivers a flurry of punches into Prime’s gut! MacElroy rolls into the ring and helps Alyssa and Nikki to pick up Akira, but then throws the bloodied Wyld out of the ring through the ropes! Mother and daughter, shocked, nonetheless have presence of mind enough to deliver a matched pair of thrust kicks to the Hard Man from Glasgow, sending him backward over the scrapping Watts and Nakamura, then they quickly hop out of the ring to protect Akira.
Yuri Kruchiev arrives just as Bobby Fame regains his feet. The two foes square up, then Fame steps aside and Kruchiev drops a heavy, hard elbow on the back of Kevin Starr’s head as the Natural One is trying to regain his feet! Leaving Starr to the tender mercies of the Russian, Fame slides into the ring and grabs hold of the now bloody Watts by his hair, opening him up to a terrible chop from Nakamura! Dropping him, they turn in time to be confronted by Mangas, towering and furious! He grabs both men by the throats, hoists them high, and choke-slams them both, following down with his considerable weight! As the giant gets to his feet, though, he is struck from behind by the Spoiler III! Mangas staggers, and before he can turn, Spoiler hoists him up and back down in a Spoiler Alert, crying out with rage and exertion and planting the bigger man on his head!
Alpha Omega race out, side by side down the aisle, sliding into the ring and surging forward together toward Damion Black … but as they approach, Bokrug grabs Cray by the hair and the trunks and redirects his momentum toward one corner and sends Cray hurling shoulder-first between the turnbuckles and into the steel post! Cray rolls away, clutching his shoulder in agony, only for Bokrug to grab Cray’s wounded arm and drag him roughly to the apron – the hardest part of the ring – and hops out of the ring. Bokrug, holding Cray’s wrist, stares blankly at Cray … Cray mouths “Why …” and Bokrug harshly yanks, wracking his partner’s arm into the steel post! As Cray screams in helpless, confused agony, Bokrug edges closer … and kisses Cray’s forehead, before planting an elbow across Cray’s throat!
A bloodied Cynthia crawls over to the unconscious Titus, shielding him with her body. Nearby, Average Joe is manhandling Rhett Holiday, slamming his head into the nearby rail! The Masked Shooter II is grappling with Nemesis Rex, the big men matching power and technique, their battle working its way toward the announcer’s desk. Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, the Factor, who had been standing indecisively on the apron for a moment, leaps onto them both, all three men crashing through the announcer’s desk and sending a desperate Garry Bloomfield scrambling for safety! The Factor gets to his feet first, and starts to kick one and then the other until Rex and Shooter each grab one of Factor’s feet, yank him down, and begin pummeling him. Getting to their feet, Rex and Shooter look down at Factor, then up at each other, then fall back into attacking each other amid the rubble of the desk!
Utterly confused, Mighty Cobra and Giant Anaconda look about. Anaconda leans down and whispers something to his partner. Cobra nods sharply, then quickly grabs Anaconda’s head and uses it as leverage to deliver a rising knee-strike to Anaconda’s face, sending the bigger man staggering back a step or two. Anaconda shakes his head to clear the cobwebs, and Cobra nods his head excitedly, motioning “Come on!” Anaconda sighs, then grabs Cobra, lifts him over his head, and throws his partner into the ring, colliding with Spencer Watts, just as Watts was getting to his feet!
Shane and Army of One are near the aisle, clearing a swath through Rex Camelot, Kuznetsov, Suharto, and Jerome Rivera, when Kevin Starr gets to his feet. The powerhouse brawlers, focusing on Starr, look at each other, nod, and charge him. Starr, in a desperate act, leaps straight up and delivers a dropkick to both, one foot each, clocking them soundly but landing on the floor on his back!
As the chaos continues to erupt, Bartholomew “The Brawler,” Lord Beckett and Arthur Solomon saunter down the aisle. Beckett has a scheming smug look on his slappable face, Solomon a leering grin, cracking his knuckles. They make their way around the ring, avoiding any direct conflict and making their way to the ruins of the announcing table. Beckett points at Nemesis Rex, and Solomon nods. As Rex and Shooter continue to jockey for some kind of superiority, Solomon lands a cheap-shot into Rex’s throat, breaking the contest and sending Rex staggering back a step, enough for Beckett to grab at Rex’s eyes from behind and yank him down onto the Brawler’s knee! Solomon then grabs hold of Shooter’s arms from behind, shouting for Beckett to hurry! Beckett, grinning, picks up the nearby bell! Licking his lips, a wicked look on his face, he rears back and swings, but side-steps and catches Arthur Solomon full on the side of his face, sending Solomon down! Shooter looks at Beckett, nods, and looks down at Solomon and stomps the dazed man’s stomach!
Mangas is hoisted up by Kruchiev and Fame and thrown out of the ring; Starr narrowly side-steps the giant, and looks up at Fame, his face twisted in anger. Fame smiles and shrugs. Starr raises one of his baseball-mitt hands and drawers his thumb across his throat.
Damion Black has been regaining his composure and overseeing all of it. Soon, only a select group are in the ring … Damion, the Masked Shooter II, Viktor Sokolov, the Masked Saboteurs, Pantaro, Bokrug, Derrik Arzon, Average Jo, Brawler Beckett, Yuri Kruchiev, the Spoiler III, Bobby Fame, Nakamura Yamasaki, and Robert MacElroy: the members of the Camp! The remaining PWA wrestlers each in turn attempt get back in the ring, and each in turn are repelled by the Camp!
Outside of the ring, Rebel and Nikki Wyld are helping a bloody Akira walk back to the locker room, Akira still doggedly clutching his prized belt. Alyssa lags behind them, looking first at her family and then back to the ring at the Camp.***