Nemesis Rex vs. The Spoiler III

*** “The One You Love to Hate” blares over the PA system, and NEMISIS REX strides out to a strong if mixed reception of boos and cheers. A look of indifference on his face, the big ring veteran strides to the ring, climbs the steps, and takes center as the rolling thunder of boos wins out.

Just then, “Book of Bad Decisions” takes over the sound system. MARTY DINKLE steps out onto the ramp to a wall of jeers, a smug look on his cigar-chewing face, derby cocked low over his right eye. With a flourish, he signals for his man, THE SPOILER, III, to come out, causing the cries of disapproval to intensify. The two business partners take their time walking down the ramp, Dinkle twirling his cane carelessly, until they, too, climb into the ring.

GARRY BLOOMFIELD: “Folks this is going to be a battle of epic proportions! Two of the largest athletes in PWA are about to meet in that ring, and neither man has any regard for the rules! This is going to resemble a fight more than a wrestling contest!”

As the referee calls the two wrestlers to the center of the ring, Marty Dinkle steps up and waves the ref back. He begins talking to Nemesis Rex as The Spoiler III stands nearby, looking on. Dinkle speaks, gesturing with his hands. After a moment of what can only be described as negotiation, Dinkle shakes hands with Rex, and then Spoiler III does, too. Dinkle waves over a mic, and then addresses the fans.

GB: “Oh, what is Dinkle up to, now?”

MARTY DINKLE: “Who wants to see some atheletical competition?” ***fans yell in the affirmative*** “Who wants to see maybe some bloodshed?” ***another enthusiastic response*** “Who here paid good money to see these two prime specimens of combatical competitiveness mangle each other inta pulp?” ***the fans give a now impatient roar*** “Well, forget it! You ignoramusses seem to have forgotten that we are right at the start of King of Deathmatch, the single most brutal test of athletics and intestinal fortitude in the professional wrestling world today! Anything more extreme spills da banks of pro wrestling into common mudshow hyjinx! And da fact that these athletes put their physicalities and mentalities on da line as per course de rigger, as well as this punishing perpetration, is a testament to da demands of PWA and to da will and conditioning of these graps-masters. All so youse losers can get yer rocks off at a bargain price. Dis in mind, I have just settled a little impromptu agreement with my man Mr. The Third’s worthy opponent here. We have all agreed, as gentlemen-”

***At the word “gentlemen,” the fans’ bitter response becomes rabid. Dinkle and the Spoiler, III look smug, Nemesis Rex maintains an air of indifference. They wait a few minutes as the fans pour forth their displeasure.***

GB: “Folks, I cannot belie- well, wait, yeah, I guess I can. Between Dinkle’s conniving and the Spoiler living up to his name yet again … unfortunately, yes I can believe it.”

MD: “I have brokered an agreement between these two men, who have great respect for each other’s abilities to pull each other limb from limb. As an act of respect and foresight, considering the impending brutality and likely war crimes to follow this season, they have wisely and mutually decided to step out of the ring, each take a count out, and call it no contest, even as their future opponents insist upon shortening both their careers and their chances of winning King of Deathmatch! Boys, go get a drink.”

***The jeers and boos intensify, trash is thrown at the two men as they climb out of the ring and begin the trek up the ramp, Dinkle looking on proudly from the ring. The manager nods approvingly at the ref, who reluctantly begins the twenty count.***

GB: “I just … folks, I don’t know what to tell you. This is, frankly, an embarrassing display, to take such advantage of the idea of sportsmanship, and … abuse it for personal gain … I have come to expect this of Marty Dinkle, and to some extent the Spoiler, bit to see Nemisis Rex taken in like this … he has always been a harsh, unforgiving opponent, but this just seems so beneath him.”

*** Both would-be opponents walk slowly up the ramp, amid a hail of rubbish. Half-way up the ramp, they stop long enough to raise their arms, drawing more wrath from the crowd, before continuing up the ramp. ***

GB: “Oh, this is pitiful …”

As the count of 16 is reached, they get to the ramp entryway. Spoiler gestures graciously for Nemesis Rex to go first, but Rex stands still, folds his arms across his massive chest, and with a nod of his head signals for the Spoiler to go back first. Spoiler shakes his head “no,” and points again for Rex to go first.


GB: “Wait folks, there seems to be some distention …”

*** Rex squares up, but suddenly the Spoiler thrusts a thumb into Rex’s eye! The crowd roars and Dinkle screams, waving his arms wildly for the Spoiler to get down the aisle and into the ring! The Spoiler hoofs it, but Nemesis Rex, his left eye closed hard, sprints after him! ***


***Rex grabs hold of Spoilers mask just as they reach the ring apron, the hardest part of the ring. Rex slams the Spoiler’s face into the apron, the hardest part of the ring, and tries to roll in.***


*** Spoiler grabs hold of Rex’s boot, taking him back out, then scurries under the rope and into the ring, just as Rex rolls in, a fraction of a second before the twenty-count is completed! Meanwhile, Marty Dinkle, his face white as a clean diaper and his language as filthy as a soiled one, desperately fumbles his way out of the ring on the opposite side! The fans are cheering once more, and the bell rings! ***