***Akira extends a hand to hep the Masked Shooter his feet, but Shooter shoves Akira away. Akira backs off, hands out. The Masked Shooter grabs the ring ropes and gets to one knee, his breathing somewhat labored. Shooter visibly grits his teeth and slowly hauls himself to his feet. The audience applauds loudly for the Masked Shooter. Akira joins in the applause, a look of concern in his eyes but also a slight smile on his lips. Shooter looks out at the audience, disappointed, but acknowledging their applause with a nod. “Charisma” by W.A.S.P. abruptly blares through the arena speakers, and the applause turns to loud booing. Akira’s smile drops as he looks towards the ramp. Damion Black saunters onto the top of the ramp, clapping and smiling at the stellar match that was just on display.***
BLACK: “Ladies and gentlemen, give it up one more time one for the finest matches ever to take place in a wrestling ring! My goodness, you know, watching the Masked Shooter these past few weeks has truly been an inspiration. The Shooter has given us decades, DECADES, of heart and soul, expertise and technique, but I have to wonder…. have we really seen ALL the Masked Shooter has to offer? Now, I know there has been some speculation as to how long the Shooter can continue, as strong as you looked tonight, Shooter, I gotta say, I have my doubts. How long can you keep this up? Not long to my thinking, and you know, it would be a real shame, a real disservice to PWA and to you yourself if we didn’t push the envelope! Let’s make this last run of yours a memorable one, because, make no mistake, this IS your last run. So we’re gonna make it exciting! We are going to make these next few weeks unforgettable! Starting on the next PWA Assault, we are going to see the Masked Shooter in matches we have never seen him in before, against the worthiest competition we can find! And we are going to start… with a No-Disqualification match against one of the best and brightest light heavyweights in the division… SPENCER WATTS! No holds barred, no countouts, anything goes! And it will only get more intense from there! Best of luck, Shooter! Starting next Assault, we are going to cement your legacy!”
***Black smiles a wicked grin through his black sunglasses and turns to leave.***