**Tiger Gold paces back and forth in the ring. He asks a ringside attendant for a microphone. Eyeing the entrance ramp suspiciously he begins to speak.**
TIGER GOLD: “Since the start of the season, The Spoiler has made it his mission to insert himself into my championship defenses. As your PWA Champion, it is my warrior’s duty to defend this title with honor and dignity at every available opportunity. Yet each and every week, I see my title defenses marred by The Spoiler’s villainous wiles. He he has cost me a disqualification loss on two separate Assaults… attacking my opponent and bringing dishonor to the sacred ring of combat and all that I stand for. Then last night on Battery, he bore silent witness from ringside as I defended this championship against Nakamura Yamasaki. He is playing games with my mind and I do not like it. A true warrior-born faces adversity square and head-on. Mental manipulations such as these dishonor me and the spirits of our fighting ancestors. So tonight… once again I ask The Spoiler to enter this ring and face me for this championship he so clearly covets. He is the King of the Deathmatch, and has proven his worth as an adversary… now, let him show the dignity befitting a warrior of his ability. Let him face me in front of the PWA Armada and show the world if he truly belongs in the hall of the immortals!”
**Tiger Gold hands his title to a ringside attendant and squares himself for combat. After a moment… “Book of Bad Decisions” by Clutch explodes on the arena loudspeakers, and The Spoiler steps out onto the entrance ramp.**
GARY BLOOMFIELD: “Folks this is a match we’ve been eagerly anticipating for weeks now. Tiger Gold versus The Spoiler for the PWA Heavyweight Championship!”
**From the ring, Tiger Gold waves his arms, rallying the crowd. The Spoiler smirks and takes a couple of swaggering steps toward the ringside area… then pauses. He stands stock still and folds his arms over his chest. For a couple of drawn out minutes, he just stands there, unmoving.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not sure what’s going on here. The Spoiler is just standing in the aisle. He isn’t showing any signs of coming to the ring to start this match.”
**Inside the ring, Tiger Gold paces frustratedly. The referee motions for Gold to go to his corner and then begins gesturing toward Spoiler to approach the ring. The Spoiler continues to ignore the official and his opponent, and remains standing still with his arms folded, smirking. After a moment he looks down at his wrist and checks and imaginary watch.**
BLOOMFIELD: “What is going on? The Spoiler is just… making a mockery of this scheduled feature bout.”
**The referee puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. He signals the time keeper to ring the bell. Tiger Gold yells at Spoiler from the ring, demanding he enter and start the match. After a moment, the ref begins to count Spoiler out.**
REFEREE: “1… 2… 3… 4…”
BLOOMFIELD: “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The Spoiler is voluntarily letting himself get counted out of this match. He’s not moving a muscle. I have no idea what is going through that man’s mind right now.”
REFEREE: “…18, …19, …20!”
**The referee shakes his head in disgust and signals for the timekeeper to ring the bell again. The crowd boos and Tiger Gold throws up his hands and paces in the ring frustratedly. On The ramp, The Spoiler nods with satisfaction and offers the PWA Heavyweight Champion a polite golf clap. Gold seethes at him from the ring, and The Spoiler casually turns and walks awake through the entrance curtain.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ugh… well, there you have it folks. Your winner by count-out and still champion, Tiger Gold.”