**Tiger Gold is adjusting his wrist tape as he makes his way down the hall toward the entrance area. A look of intense concentration can be seen under his mask. As the former champion rounds the corner toward the PWA Arena’s long central hallway… the lights flicker, and a nearby wall mounted bulb explodes with a loud pop. Gold stops and turns toward the sound.**
**Suddenly, the lights flicker for a second time… when they come back on, Rhett Holiday is standing behind Tiger Gold, covered in streaked blood. Gold turns and faces a maniacally grinning Holiday. The Fallen grabs Gold by the mask and forces him back against the wall. A shocked Gold throws Holiday’s hands off.**
GOLD: “Villain!”
HOLIDAY: “Oh yes.”
**Holiday viciously assaults Gold with a flurry of knees and forearms, sending the former champ reeling. Holiday measures Gold for a lethal kick, but Gold is able to catch Holiday’s leg and swing him into a nearby stack of crates. Holiday hits the ground hard and is momentarily dazed. Gold advances on him.**
GOLD: “You picked the wrong man on the wrong day evildoer.”
**Holiday sneers from the ground and thrusts a kick out that clips Gold in the knee and sends him crashing to the ground. Immediately, Holiday jumps on top of Gold and begins tearing at his mask like a wild animal. Gold manages to throw him off and stagger to his feet, trying futilely to reorient his twisted mask.**
**While Gold is distracted, Holiday dives in and locks the larger man into the Hero’s Fall. Gold struggled mightily to release himself, slamming Holiday into the concrete wall. But Holiday just cinches in the hold tighter as his eyes roll back showing white and Gold struggles for breath. After a moment… Gold falls completely limp and Holiday releases the hold, sending Tiger Gold crashing to the mat, unconscious.**
**Holiday stands over Gold a moment longer and lets out a long breath. Then he pushes his hair back, steps over the fallen grappler, and walks calmly away down the hall.**
**Back in the ring, the audience is agitated and confused. Bill White motions for the announcer to come over to the ring and the two converse. The Spoiler stalks over to Bill White and spins the referee around, forcefully talking to White. White shakes his head. The Spoiler grabs White by his shirt collar, shaking him violently and yelling before shoving White back toward the announcer. White, visibly shaken and in pain, talks briefly to the announcer.**
ANNOUNCER: “Ladies and gentlemen, Tiger Gold is unable to compete, therefore the winner by default: The Spoiler III!”
**White walks over to the Spoiler and raises his hand as the Spoiler smiles and gloats through his mask.**
GARY BLOOMFIELD: “Ugh, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know who I am more disgusted by. Stay with us, Block A matches up next!”