**As the crowd cheers the display of athletic prowess, RONNIE LASSITER’s voice breaks over the PA.**
RONNIE LASSITER: “I told you.”
***Lassiter walks out with a mic, accompanied by a smirking BARTHOLOMEW “THE BRAWLER” BECKETT, to the top of the ramp. Both are dressed in their ring gear.
RL: “I told you, Gold. Your time is over. Maybe not as a competitor; you may still have some good matches in you, yet, but your days as a champion are through. If you still don’t believe me, ask Starr, there … or all these people. As a champion, you are THROUGH!”
***The crowd “boo” the grim Lassiter and the evilly smiling Angle as they walk back to the locker rooms, leaving KEVIN STARR looking after them with a title chance shining in his eyes … and TIGER GOLD on a knee, contemplating …