**The arena explodes with the theme of AMX, as Johnny Ecks, Mj1, Tama and Tolofa make their way to the ring. Ecks swaggers his way down the aisle with a smile, but there’s a frustrated meanness to his demeanor that he can’t completely hide. The four wrestlers roll into the ring and Ecks brandishes a microphone.**
ECKS: “Yo I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Last Assault, that over-hyped pretender Akira Wyld came down here and gave this big-ass mission statement about how he was gonna represent PWA with HIS brand new NWC World Championship. He ran down Damion Black and Vic Sokolov and talked up his family and his friggin’ ‘hero’s journey’.”
**Ecks makes a disgusted face and looks at the crowd.**
ECKS: “Yeah and you brainless jabronies ate it up. Cause y’all a bunch of mindless sheep. Y’all got served a plate of horse s*hit and you ate it with a smile because that’s what you people do! Now me on the other hand… what I do is keep it real and tell it like it is. And the God’s truth is that Akira Wyld never beat ME for that title. He walked in the arena at iNoobmania… hid like a bitch from me the whole match, and scored his two cheap falls without ever once pinning or submitting the Heartthrob Kid. In fact, NOBODY in that match got a fall on me. Not Cody, not Patrick, and not Akira Wyld!”
**Ecks points at the entrance ramp and stomps around the ring.**
ECKS: “And now suddenly Akira Wyld is this great and glorious champion… when he f’n KNOWS he only has that belt because he gamed the system like he always does! But you know what? That’s okay… that’s okay because our great and glorious champ has graciously offered to put his money where his mouth is and fight the Ecks-man one on one. And let me tell you… when Akira and I finally meet one-on-one… when we finally lock horns in the ring… he ain’t NEVER gonna forget who the real legend in this business is! For the rest of his life he’s gonna have to admit to the world that he couldn’t hang with Johnny Ecks!”
**Suddenly, Akira Wyld’s music erupts from the arena speakers and the NWC Champion makes his way toward the ring. Wyld levels a serious look at Ecks as he slides under the bottom rope and enters the ring. Tama and Tolofa advance on Wyld but Mj1 puts up his hands to hold them back. Wyld shoots a quick, suspicious look at Eck’s crew before pulling out a mic and staring down Johnny Ecks.**
WYLD: “I’m sick of you Ecks. I’m sick of your whiny voice. I’m sick of your smirking face. I’m sick of your gigantic, undeserved ego. For WAY too long I’ve sat back and given you your space. But that ends now. You said you wanted to fight me… I agreed to the match. So what’s your game? Why are we out here flapping our gums instead of squaring up and settling this?”
**Ecks elbows Mj1 in the shoulder playfully and laughs.**
ECKS: “Why? Because you’re finally paying attention bro! I’ve been baiting you for YEARS and you finally stepped up! I’m enjoying this man! Now you and me… we ARE gonna fight. And when we do we gonna tear the house down.”
WYLD: “But not now?”
ECKS: “You’re too tense man. Tell you what. I got an idea. You itching to fight? I’ve got three guys here who are more than willing to take you up on that right now.”
WYLD: “Uh huh… no doubt a fair fight.”
ECKS: “Bro, make up your mind. Ya wanna fight or not? Hey, I’ll even sweeten the pot. You got family in PWA, I got family in PWA. You pick any one of your blue l-blood loser Wyld Family members, I’ll fight em. And in return, you take on anyone from AMX I want. Call it a Rival’s Choice Challenge.”
WYLD: “You one-on-one against someone from the Wyld Family? You’re on. My family still owes you a receipt for that crap you pulled two seasons ago.”
ECKS: “Alright it’s a deal. Next week, I’ll take on anyone from your overrated family you want. Then the next week you take on whoever I want from AMX. But the joke’s on you Wyld. I’ve already beaten every Wyld I’ve been in the ring with. So it doesn’t matter who you choose. Your has-been brother? Your old-as-dirt uncle? Your punk-ass niece? Or… even your sweet and sexy sister!”
**Wyld whips around and punches Ecks in the mouth! Ecks drops to the mat holding his jaw. Tama and Tolofa immediately dive on Wyld and overwhelm him with clubbing blows while Mj1 helps a furious-looking Johnny Ecks to his feet. Ecks spits at Wyld and directs traffic as AMX violently puts the boots to the champion. Just then, Aldo, Rebel and Alyssa Wyld emerge from the entrance ramp and run to the ring! Ecks slaps the Samoan Storm on the shoulders and directs them to quickly exit the ring. AMX rolls out under the ropes on the far side of the ring as The Wyld Family slides into the ring to check on Akira. Akira slowly pulls himself to his knees as Ecks and his crew circle around to the entrance ramp and make their exit.**
ECKS: “It don’t matter which one of you I fight next week. Ain’t NOBODY in your whole damn clan that can beat me! You just watch Akira! I’m gonna beat your family then I’m gonna beat YOU!”
**Ecks flips Wyld the bird and heads through the curtain. In the ring, Rebel helps Akira to his feet and the champ glares at the departing AMX.**