***Oliver stands over his opponents while Evelyn dances around the ring. She continues to skip and dance with a big smile on her face. Oliver stares deep into the eyes of his opponents who are now heaped in the center of the ring. He points to the ramp and Rhett Holiday’s music starts.
Holiday makes his way down the ramp applauding with a devilish grin. He steps between the ropes and motions for The Twins to lift both Ripcord Brothers up. Oliver and Evelyn do as they are told, Oliver with the cold expression of a statue and Evelyn just barely able to hold back her excitement.
As the brothers are held before Holiday, he lifts their heads by the chin and nods with approval. Then grabs them both and delivers a double Unkindness Cut.
Evelyn laughs maniacally and falls to the mat laughing in her opponents. Oliver places his boot on the face of the other.
Holiday stands between Oliver and Evelyn and motions for a mic.
One is reluctantly handed to him by a member of the ring crew. Evelyn chomped her teeth at the poor kid and he fell from the ring apron.***
Holiday: “And then there were three.”
***As Holiday laughs La Nieves music hit and he glares up the ramp.***