***A veritable tsunami of garbage covers the ring as Brawler Beckett raises his hands in triumph. Damion Black walks over to the time keeper’s table and grabs the Light Heavyweight belt and steps into the ring. Grinning broadly, Black shakes Beckett’s hand in congratulations, then presents Beckett with PWA Light Heavyweight Championship belt. Beckett turns his back to Damion with his fists proudly in the air as Damion wraps the belt around Beckett’s waist and secures it. Beckett tuns back around and shakes Damion’s hand again. Damion raises Beckett’s hand to the crowd, who continue to pelt the ring with garbage. Beckett turns to leave the ring, but he is stopped by Damion who is still holding his hand. Beckett turns back around and stands chest to chest with Black. The two men stand face to face in an oddly intense standoff. Damion tilts his head up slightly. Beckett gives a light nod and shakes Damion’s hand one time and leaves the ring. Damion watches him go, his trademark smile on his face.***