-The camera opens on The Masked Shooter heading to the ramp. The lights down the hall backstage begin to shut off following him. Then the sound of children laughing echos down the halls. Shooter looks around visibly concerned. He turns down another hall only to see a blue rubber ball bouncing towards him. Shooter turns to run back the other direction and is caught by Rhett Holiday. The two struggle before Holiday locks in The Hero’s Fall and lifts Shooter by his neck. Shooter struggles attempting to break free but eventually falls limp. Holiday shakes shooter around by the neck growling and foaming at the mouth as a sadistic laugh echos free. He drops the lifeless Shooter with a smile. Holiday then looks at the camera-
“See Arzon? Everyone Falls…”
-The lights backstage flicker. Holiday and Shooter are gone when they come back and the blue rubber ball bounces past-
**Mighty Cobra shakes his head dramatically and beckons for a nearby stagehand to pass him a microphone. He puts one hand heroically on a hip and gestures to Arzon.**
COBRA: “Well, that was certainly an unfortunate turn of events. Clearly, injustice has taken place here at Assault… and when injustice takes place… heroes have to act. We, the Mighty Coldsnakes, do not condone vicious actions such as those that befell your tag-team partner tonight. Because of these heinous actions… you, Derrick Arzon… have been left without an ally and cannot be expected to compete in a tag match tonight.”
**Anaconda shakes his head.**
COBRA: “However… these people paid good money to see a contest, and we cannot disappoint them.”
**Cobra cracks his knuckles and dances from foot to foot in anticipation.**
COBRA: “So what do you say we make this a one-on-one match… right here, right now?!”
**Arzon looks at the cheering crowd and steps up to the ring apron and nods.**
COBRA: “That’s the true fighting spirit of a hero!”
**With that Cobra… rolls out of the ring and gestures to Anaconda.**
COBRA: “Anaconda, get in there and fight the good fight!”
**Arzon’s shoulders slump as the nearly seven-foot-tall Mighty Anaconda steps over the top rope and cracks his knuckles.**
COBRA: “No need to thank us citizens… this is just what heroes do!”