The Brotherhood vs. AMX

The bell rings to signify the end of the match, but it appears that the competitors either didn’t hear it or completely ignore it. All four members of aMx rush the ring, each focused on their own targets. Mj1 focuses in on Zero and proceeds to give him a mighty kick to a very uncomfortable location, then follows that up with the OGC with a shout of “King of Cutters!”. In another corner, Johnny Ecks has tackled Nakamura Yamasaki, and the two are rapidly trading armlocks and punches as they roll out of the ring and onto the ground. In the last corner, Samoan Storm has squared up against Armageddon and all four men are trading vicious looking haymakers.

The bell continues to sound furiously as the timekeeper desperately tries to engage some sort of order. It is not to be, however, as Nick Spoils rushes the ring with a steel chair in each hand. He heaves one into the ring towards Armageddon and uses the other on Ecks’ back. Ecks rolls away, and the chair ends up directly in Yamasaki’s hands. In the ring, Ragnarok temporarily lays out both members of Samoan Storm with a double spear for just long enough for Gehenna to arm himself with the second chair, and Zero has recovered from the OGC and has used an exposed turnbuckle to do dangerous things to the face of the Mysterious One. Spoils throws a couple more chairs into the ring for good measure, but the assault is all but over already. A double chair shot first to Tama then to Talofah drops the Samoans to the mat unconcious, then Ragnarok lays out Mj1 with a horrendous looking chokeslam into yet another chair. Nakamura Yamasaki rolls into the ring, licking what appears to be some blood off the chair he was using, as medical staff and security rushes the ring. The Brotherhood stands tall, holding chairs in the air, and all four members of aMx lie practically unmoving.

Nick Spoils grabs a microphone, and casually sits on top of Talofah’s back, looking outside the ring to where Johnny Ecks, his face awash with blood and holding on to his throat, is just getting to a sitting position.

SPOILS: “PWA Black. Samoan Storm. Armageddon. Tornado Tag Match inside a steel cage. No ***** cheap countout victories for you any longer. We’ll see you there.”