**The scene opens backstage at the PWA Arena. Brian Fury stands with his back to the camera and the PWA Heavyweight Championship slung over one massive shoulder. He exhales deliberately and turns to face the camera. Sweat drips from his furrowed brow as he stares intently at the camera. He slaps the championship belt with his calloused hand.**
FURY: “For four long season I’ve fought tooth and nail for the right to hold this… for the right to call myself the best in the world. Four seasons of heart-wrenching, backbreaking struggle… all for the right to hoist this gold strap over my head and yell at the top of my lungs that Brian Fury is the baddest man this ring has ever seen.”
**Brian Fury pulls the championship off his shoulder and holds it in both of his hands. He stares at the belt and exhales.**
FURY: “Four seasons… I’ll tell you what, it feels like a hell of a lot longer than that. It feels like a lifetime. As far back as I can remember, I’ve had to claw and scrape and fight for the respect and recognition that I deserve.”
**Fury begins pacing back and forth in front of the camera looking off into the middle distance.**
FURY: “You see… this here is a dirty, self-serving, business. A business full of scheming men with big plans. Men willing to cheat and lie and hustle to get their hands on gold and glory. Men who don’t care about how they get theirs or who they have to crush along the way. For four seasons I’ve had to deal with men like this. Men like Nick Spoils, Akira Wyld… and Richard Pennyworth. Men who used their big brains and dirty tricks to screw over hard workers who came to fight with their heads held high. From the very beginning I’ve dealt with these men… and I’ve been screwed over, swindled, and cheated.”
**Fury stops pacing and looks at the camera.**
FURY: “See, I’m not a planner. I’m more of what you call… a blunt instrument. I get by on the strength of these.”
**He holds up his massive hands to the camera.**
FURY: “And in the end, I didn’t succeed because I had the best plan. I didn’t succeed because I made the right friends. I succeeded… because when you got right down to it… I was the toughest bastard in the room. Always have been, always will be. And that’s how I’m going to keep this gold on my shoulder. I’m going to do what I always do. I’m going to face every challenge head-on.”
**Fury exhales a deep breath and snarls at the camera.**
FURY: “Richard Pennyworth… you say we have unfinished business? You say one-on-one you can beat me for this title? Fine. FIGHT me. No schemes, no long game… just step up and try your damndest to take it. But… WHEN I beat you… WHEN the referee counts three and you stare up at those lights… you get to take your big brain and your big plans and you go to the back of the line. The same goes for each and every superstar in PWA. If you think you have the stones to take my title, you’ll have your shot. And once I’ve dropped you like a stone, I’ll move on to the next one. And the next one. And the next one. Because that’s how its done when Brian Fury is in charge. That’s how I play this game. That’s how I WIN. And when you go against Brian Fury in his house… on his terms… you just have to ask yourself one question. Tap out, or knock out?”
**Fury smiles slightly as the screen fades to black.**