**Out of nowhere, Gehenna storms into the ring. A shocked Akira Wyld stares gape-mouthed, as Gehenna stabs Spencer Watts in the stomach with a vicious toe-kick and follows with a swift DDT, planting Watts into the mat. The referee turns to the timekeeper and calls for the bell as Akira holds out his arms in a gesture of confusion. He turns toward the entrance ramp where Nick Spoils is standing with his arms folded. Gehenna advances on the fallen Watts and begins raining down left and right hands. After a stunned moment… Akira grabs Gehenna by the shoulders and wrenches him off Watts. Gehenna shrugs Akita’s hands off of him and drops back to his knees, continuing to assault the fallen Watts with repeated uncontested blows. Once again, Akira wrenches Gehenna off of Watts. This time, Gehenna wheels around and raises an angry fist at Akira momentarily, before putting his hand down and glaring at his teammate. Akira Wyld puts a finger in Gehenna’s chest and verbally berates him, pointing alternately from Gehenna to Watts and back to himself. Akira shoves Gehenna hard and turns his attention to Spoils on the ramp. He yells off-mic at Spoils… only to be wrenched around by an incensed Gehenna. Wyld is spun around to face Gehenna and is greeted by the former tag-team champ cranking his fist back to strike him. Wyld drops to the mat in shock and puts up his hands in front of his face. Gehenna stands poised over Wyld for a tense moment… before Brawler Beckett suddenly slides into the ring and puts himself between the two wrestlers. He holds a hand up to Gehenna while turning to address Akira. After a few tense moments… Akira Wyld slides out of the ring with a disgusted look on his face and stamps his way up the ramp, giving Nick Spoils the cold shoulder as he goes. Spoils lingers for a few moments longer, looking at Gehenna stalking back and forth in the ring. Then he nods and heads backstage in the same direction Akira left in.**