***The bell rings and Brian Fury rolls to his knees, breathing hard, a grimace on his face. As the referee calls to the time keeper and the announcer shouts Fury’s name the crowd explodes with cheers. Fury drags himself to his feet with the aid of the ring ropes and thrusts his arms triumphantly into the air. Akira Wyld lays on his back on the mat with one arm draped over his face. He groggily pulls himself to his knees and looks up at Brian Fury. He slowly stumbles to his feet and slumps wearily against a turnbuckle. He throws a narrowed gaze in Fury’s direction and shakes his head in disgust.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen what a contest between two top tier heavyweights. These two represent the life blood of this organization as well as any two competitors could. And on this night… Brian Fury has shown just why he is on a collision course with the PWA Heavyweight Title.”
***Fury mounts a nearby turnbuckle and a satisfied smile lights up his face as he makes a title belt motion across his waist. He leaps down from the turnbuckle and walks to the center of the ring, eying Akira Wyld with suspicion. Wyld sighs and looks down. Then he pulls himself to his feet and limps toward Fury. The two men go nose to nose, Fury not taking his eyes off Wyld.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Folks this looks like it could get ugly.”
***After a long moment. Akira sighs… and holds out a hand to Fury. Fury looks at is suspiciously… and then to the crowd. The fans boo and shake their heads, clearly wary of a Union betrayal. Akira looks at them coldly, and then up at Fury. His eyes blaze with anger but his hand stays out.**
BLOOMFIELD: “I don’t believe what I’m seeing folks. I mean that literally. Akira Wyld appears to be asking for a handshake, but after everything the Union has put Brian Fury through, I’ve certainly got my suspicions, and it looks as if Brian does too.”
***Eventually… Fury reaches a hand out and takes Wyld’s. Akira pumps Fury’s Hans twice in a gesture of respect. He nods to Fury and mouths something inaudible. He looks out and the crowd and nods slowly. He then pats Fury on the shoulder and goes to pull away.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Well this is unexpected folks. Akira Wyld and Brian Fury are shaking hands! After four seasons of resentment and tension this is certainly a shocking turn of events.”
***But instead of Wyld pulling away… Fury’s hand holds tight. Akira looks up at him with shock and alarm and tries in vain to pull his hand free of the mighty man’s grasp. Fury looks down at Wyld and a broad grin creases his face. He looks to the crowd, which chants his name over and over again. Fury nods, looks down at Wyld, and slowly shakes his finger back and forth.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh no ladies and gentlemen. The Union may have promised to get out of Brian Fury’s way moving forward… but it looks as if Fury still feels as if he owes Akira Wyld a receipt for all those beatings!”
***Wyld squirms in Fury’s grip and begins frantically gesturing to the backstage area for help. Fury pulls Wyld in close, and Wyld quickly puts a thumb in Fury’s eye causing him to lose his grip. Wyld hits the floor and scrambles to the ring apron. Fury checks his eye with his palm, snarls and catches Wyld by one boot as he dangles halfway out of the ring. Fury drags him back… but Wyld manages to get his hands on the Union Dues kendo stick which was hidden under the ring! Wyld swings it up and clips Brian on the temple. Fury reels back as Akira scrambles to his feet. He takes one look at Fury and starts madly screaming at the entrance ramp, and broadly gesturing for the Union to come join him. However… nobody arrives. After a moment, a frantic Wyld shakes his head and grips his kendo stick with both hands. He turns around and marches back into the ring. He raises the stick and swings for Fury. With one meaty hand, Fury caches he stick and smiles. Akira’s eyes go wide as Fury puts a boot in his midsection, doubling him over. Fury deftly flips the stick over in his hands and lands a hard shot squarely on Akira’s exposed back. Akira collapse to the floor with the impact. Fury looks at the stick, which is noticeably deformed from the impact. He looks out at the cheering crowd as they chant “ONE MORE TIME! ONE MORE TIME!”***
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh my! Akira Wyld is paying his Union Dues! This is for each and every member of the PWA roster who has suffered under the threat of that wicked instrument! Akira Wyld is getting what’s due to him and there isn’t a single member of the Union coming out to help him!”
***Fury looks at the crowd and smiles. He shrugs his shoulders and brings the stick down hard one more time on Akira’s back, shattering the stick into a dozen pieces. Wyld collapses hard to the mat, completely unconscious. Fury looks at the broken stick, and throws it playfully out to the crowd. He poses again in the center of the ring as the audience cheers.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Brian Fury has just put an exclamation point on his four season long feud with Akira Wyld! Brian Fury has sent a message to the entire locker room. He is unstoppable and he is coming for the PWA Heavyweight Title. If I were Richard Pennyworth, I’d be very worried right now. Ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned, we have plenty more action for you after the break!”