* After the match ends. The Samoan Storm stands tall over the tired and beaten down Rebel and Alyssa Wyld. Alyssa helps her brother to their feet and the two teams square off, ready to come to blows again. Just then, Johnny Ecks rolls into the ring brandishing a steel chair. He hits it twice on the ground and advances on Rebel Wyld. Rebel turns to face Ecks***
REBEL: “You cheated Ecks!”
ECKS: “Hey bro, all’s fair in love and war yo!”
**Rebel stumbles toward Ecks but is distracted long enough to eat a Samoan Spike from Talofa. Alyssa turns in time to see Rebel hit the mat hard. Ecks swings the chair around in the air.**
ECKS: “Step back boys, it’s time for our knight in shining armor to see what happens when you cramp HTK’s style!”
**Alyssa jumps in front of her brother, physically putting herself between Johnny and Rebel.**
ALYSSA: “Johnny get the hell out of here! Don’t do this!”
**Ecks stops mid-swing and takes a step back.**
ECKS: “Outta da way girl! You don’t want to get hurt. Your bro has this coming! I’m just finishing what he started!”
**Exhausted and bloody from her match, Alyssa stands and raises her fists at Ecks.**
ALYSSA: “I’m warning you Johnny. I’m sick of this crap. You’ve gone too far and I’m going to kick your head off your shoulders if you take one more step!”
**Ecks looks at the blood dripping from Alyssa’s forehead and grimaces. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.**
ECKS: “Damn girl, why you gotta be like that? This ain’t how it was supposed to be! Why you gotta mess up my groove and get in my head like that? Lookin’ all hot and warrior princess with dat war paint!”
**Alyssa touches her forehead and looks at the blood on her fingers.**
ALYSSA: “Oh my GOD Johnny could you be any more gross?”
* Suddenly, NIkki Wyld jumps into the ring and snatches the chair out of Johnny’s hand. Ecks looks at Nikki in shock… and Alyssa Wyld shoots in with a superkick to Ecks’ jaw dropping him hard to the mat. Nikki bounces up and down energetically and slams the chair on the mat.***
NIKKI: “COME ON! Let’s go boys! I’ve been waiting all season for a fight!”
**Alyssa and Rebel look at each other and shrug. They regain their footing and flank the chair-wielding Nikki Wyld. All three look ready to fight. The Samoan Storm step forward and drag a furious looking Johnny Ecks to his feet. Ecks throws their hands off his shoulders and paces back and forth like a caged animal. He points a finger at Nikki.**
ECKS: “Girl! Don’t you think I’m above hitting a child! Now, last warning. Both of you ladies outta da way!!! QUIT HIDING from me Rebel you chickenshit!”
REBEL: “I’m right here you jackass. Come on, you and me, right now!”
**Before the two sides can engage, referees and officials swarm the ring getting between aMx and the Wyld Family.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen this is pandemonium! Officials are swarming the ring keeping these heated competitors apart! The Samoan Storm may have been victorious tonight, but it wasn’t without controversy. This conflict between these two proud groups is just beginning! Goodnight ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us here at PWA Assault!”