**The bell rings and Johnny Ecks lays on his back with a furious look on his face. He rolls to his knees and spits disgustedly on the mat. In the other corner, Damon Knight slowly drags himself to his feet, wincing as he adjusts the brace on he left knee. He limps across the ring and throws a triumphant hook-em-horns sign to the crowd.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen, after nearly 10 years away from the sport, Damon Knight has returned, and tonight, at Assault, he has BEATEN Johnny Ecks! After weeks of being the recipient grueling mind games, the Wyld Family has gained some measure of revenge! It wasn’t easy… and I dare say Damon Knight may have seriously injured his surgically repaired knee. But for the first time this season, Alyssa Wyld can rest easy knowing that…”
**Just then, Johnny Ecks sprints across the ring and takes the Damon Knight’s legs out from under him with a sudden sliding drop kick. Knight pinwheels through the air and hits the mat hard near the ring ropes. Ecks kips up to his feet and begins stalking furiously back and forth in the ring, cursing and spitting at the crowd. Knight grabs his leg and howls in pain as he rocks back and forth in the mat.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Good God! Knight may be seriously injured here folks! What is Johnny Ecks thinking? We need security out here right now!”
**Ecks shakes his head and smiles bitterly. He shakes a finger at the thrashing Knight as he paces back and forth. Ecks then reaches down and grabs Knight by his injured leg and threads it between the middle and bottom rope. As Knight struggles to free his trapped leg, Ecks plays to the crowd.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen this is just a disgusting display. Ecks lost this match fair and square. There’s no place for this!”
**Ecks trash talks Knight off-mic and comically limps around the ring. The crowd showers the ring with boos. Ecks puts his hands on his hips and looks at the crowd with disgust. He shakes his head and frowns down at the struggling Knight. Suddenly, Ecks vaults athletically over the top rope and comes down on Knight’s exposed knee with the bottom of his heel. Knight howls in pain as Johnny Ecks holds his arms out to the crowd.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh come on! This is uncalled for! Ecks has made his point!”
**Ecks rolls back in the ring and grabs the flailing Knight by the hair. With a smirk on his face, he cinches Knight’s free leg and wraps him in an inverted STF.**
BLOOMFIELD: “That’s the XTF! Johnny Ecks has Damon Knight trapped in the XTF and his injured leg is still tied up in the ropes!”
**Just then, Alyssa Wyld sprints down the aisle and races around the ring in the direction of Ecks. Ecks releases the hold and stands just in time to receive a hard forearm shiver to the jaw. Ecks stumbles back against the ropes. Alyssa rebounds off the opposite rope and flies at Ecks with a high knee. At the last moment, Ecks bats her aside and answers back with a hard slap to Alyssa’s face. Alyssa stumbles back, grabbing her cheek with her hand. Ecks taps his head with his fingers rolls smartly out of the ring. He can be heard shouting off-mic at Alyssa as he backs up the ramp.**
ECKS: “You’d best learn some respect right quick pretty lady, because that’s everybody! Your bro couldn’t stop me, your hubby doesn’t have a leg to stand on… now there’s nobody left standing between you and this sweet hunk of man!”
**Ecks pantomimes a phone with his thumb and pinky to his ear.**
ECKS: “Call me, baby!”
**Alyssa angrily squares up with Ecks. Ecks just smiles and backs up the ramp, blowing her a kiss as he goes. Alyssa stares daggers at the retreating Ecks. After he disappears at the entrance ramp, she runs to her husband’s side and helps unhook him from the ring ropes. Supported by his wife, Knight gingerly rolls to his side in the ring with a furious look on his face. He looks at Alyssa, who nods at him in the affirmative and looks sternly toward the entrance ramp.**