The aMx both with steel chairs hit the ring and jump the Blood Brothers. Johnny Ecks maliciously beats downSnow and Pantaro. Mysyerious jAi 1 are also joining in o. The beat down.
Ecks: Boys I told you we ain’t done with yall!!! My main man needs his title shot Pantaro! If yah don’t wanna give him one, maybe I’ll continue with more steel chairs bruh!
As he continues with beating down the light heavyweight champion with that steel chair. THWACK!!!!
Mysterious jAi 1 looks like he is ready for some more and jumps in the air and thrashes Snow with his trademark oGc!
As Pantaro tries to get up he is picked up by Johnny Ecks and is Superkicked!
The aMx looks like they are satisfied with what they did. Ecks grabs a mic.
Ecks: Remember boys, you asked for this. You asked for this.
Ecks picks up his chair and so does mJ1, they nail each Blood Brother with a two man conchairto. As the brothers lay in a heap, mJ1 does a I want a shot at the belt signal and then both do crotch chops and they both leave the ring. The match is ruined and Bill White signals for the medics to come in.