***The referee rings the bell and Superstar Ed Simmonds rolls to his knees and holds up three fingers and beams. Nemesis Rex sits up in the ring with his eyes wide and his hands on his head in disbelief.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Simmonds wins! Oh my! I can’t believe it! Ed Simmonds has won! Nemesis Rex loses!”
***Rex defiantly gets to his feet and kicks at the ring ropes in frustration. Simmonds regains his feet and turns to face Rex… who immediately kicks him in the stomach and drops him in the center of the ring with a high-angle Unkindest Cut!***
BLOOMFIELD: “Now that’s poor sportsmanship! Though truly, calling Nemesis Rex a poor sport is like calling the sky blue or grass green. The Devil Himself has been terrorizing federations with his underhanded tactics for longer than many on the PWA roster have been alive!”
***Rex puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head in disgust. He then drags Simmonds back to his feet and drops him violently with a second Unkindest Cut.***
BLOOMFIELD: “While you have to understand Rex’s frustration, this is truly uncalled for. We need to get security out here.”
***Rex slides out of the ring… and looks down at the protective mat covering the concrete floor. With a dead-eyed look, he reaches down and pulls up the mat, exposing the hard floor below.***
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh no… no this isn’t good. We’ve seen what depths this man is willing to sink to… we need security out here right now!”
***Rex rolls back in the ring and drags Simmonds out of the ring by his hair. He muscles his limp body over the exposed concrete and cinches him in a forward headlock.***
BLOOMFIELD: “He’s going to give him the Cut on the concrete! No, no, he can’t!”
***Suddenly Rex stops short and glances out into the crowd. In the front row… Rhett Holiday is sitting, watching Rex with detached amusement.***
BLOOMFIELD: “What? Ladies and gentlemen Rhett Holiday is here… Rex has seen him and… there are clearly some mind games at play here.”
***Rex looks at Holiday… then down at Simmonds’ limp body. Holiday rises from his seat and stares daggers into Rex. After a moment… the fury drains out of Rex’s face… and he releases Simmonds, who crumpled to the mat unconscious. Holiday cocks his head and raises a confused eyebrow. Rex then smiles weakly and turns his back on Holiday and begins making his way up the ramp to the backstage area. Holiday watches him for a moment… and then leaps the rail. Rex continues to walk, completely ignoring Holiday. After a moment… Holiday get a look of rage on his face and drags Simmonds to his feet. Rex continues to walk… and Holiday sneers at him and drops Simmonds cruelly to the concrete with an Unkindest Cut!***
BLOOMFIELD: “No!! Holiday has dropped Simmonds onto solid concrete! We need medical personnel out here right now!”
***Holiday looks up at Rex with a look of fiery rage… but Rex just continues to walk away, never even glancing back in Holiday’s direction. Fade to black.***