**Cameras cut quickly to the balcony seating area of the PWA Arena. Nemesis Rex is maneuvering between the fans near the balcony railing, looking left and right for Rhett Holiday.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Nemesis Rex has arrived in the upper balcony and is looking for Rhett Holiday. He was here a moment ago… but… wait a minute.”
**A woman screams as Holiday steps from the crowd behind Rex. As Rex turns and makes eye contact with Holiday, he’s blinded by a puff of smoke. Holiday grins a devilish grin as he backs away from the grizzled veteran who is swinging wildly looking for Holiday. The fans scatter to avoid becoming part of the show… Then in what seems to be one swift motion, Holiday ducks the massive arm of Rex and places himself between his target and the balcony railing.**
**Rex clears his eyes as Holiday whistles, Rex then turns and lunges at Holiday who steps aside again as Rex almost sends himself over the balcony. The arena gasps almost as a collective unit as Rex struggles to keep his balance. Once he has his footing, Rex turns back to Holiday with a look of malicious intent. As Rex goes to make a move a loud cracking sound echoes over the sound of the PWA arena as Holiday lands a Super Kick right in the teeth of Rex that sends him falling fifteen feet to section below where fans were just sitting before. **
**As Rex lays prone across broken chairs and cold concrete, Holiday smiles down over his work and takes a sip of his Rusty Nail before dumping the contents down onto the lifeless legend. Then like a storm, Holidays smile is replaced with rage.**
HOLIDAY: “I told you I’ve come to collect what is owed! I told you Old Man!”
**Then with a deep breath, Holiday adjusts his suit, takes a puff from his cigar, his smile falls back into place, and he exits into the shadows.**
BLOOMFIELD: “My GOD!!! Nemesis Rex was thrown 15 feet into the seating area below! We need some EMT’s out here now! We have just witnessed the end of a man’s career, and Rhett Holiday is smiling about it! What a vile human being! Folks, like him or hate him, Nemesis Rex is a legend in our business. We certainly hope he is okay and we will keep you posted on his condition.”