**As the timekeeper rings the bell, Nemesis Rex slumps wearily against the ropes… for an instant looking every old and tired. As Tiger Gold paces back and forth in the ring behind him, Nemesis scans the crowd as if looking for something. After a moment, his gaze settles on something in the upper balcony.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know if you can see this at home but… Can someone in the truck… yes can we get a camera up on the balcony? Folks, I don’t know if you’re seeing this but… yes, it appears as if Rhett Holiday is in the crowd in the upper balcony. He’s glaring daggers at Nemesis Rex in the ring.”
**Nemesis Rex glares up at Rhett Holiday from the ring… he wipes his gloved hand across his sweaty brow and takes a deep breath. He then steels himself and rolls purposefully to the floor. With a deft move he vaults over the guard rail and makes his way through the crowd toward in the direction of the balcony entrance.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen, it looks as if Nemesis Rex is heading toward Rhett Holiday’s location. It’s clear that Holiday has gotten into Rex’s head. We have to go to a commercial break but we will keep you informed as this situation continues to develop.”