Rhett Holiday vs. Lance Steamer

**The scene fades in with Rhett Holiday pacing back and forth in the ring staring down at the ramp with a cruel and detached look in his eyes. His music plays in the background as he adjusts his elbow pad and addresses the booing audience with a dismissive glance.**

BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and gentlemen welcome back from the break. As you can see The Chosen One Rhett Holiday is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of his opponent for the evening, Lance Steamer. This entire season Holiday has been on an absolute tear here in PWA, laying waste to opponents left and right all in some sort of… of quest to satiate his inner demons. We can only guess at what Holiday’s ultimate goals are here. But if I were Mr. Steamer, I’d be very careful tonight.”

**Rhett Holiday’s music stops and the Chosen one cracks his neck and waits for his opponent to head down the ramp. Lance Steamer’s music erupts from the arena loudspeakers and the crowd perks up, anticipating his arrival.**

BLOOMFIELD: “Those who follow PWA’s media feed will know that Holiday demanded this match earlier this week on our online forum. The Chosen One laid down an open challenge to the entire PWA locker room, insisting he be given the opportunity to continue his streak of dominance and destruction on this week’s Assault.”

**Steamer’s music continues… but Lance Steamer does not appear at the ramp. Holiday shoots an irritated glance at the ref and gesture toward the ramp. Bill White just shrugs and shakes his head. Holiday begins pacing impatiently back and forth in the ring.**

BLOOMFIELD: “I’m not sure what’s keeping Lance Steamer… I imagine that… wait a minute. Wait just a minute folks. Is that who I think it is?!”

**From the darkened backstage area, a silhouetted figure emerges from the entrance ramp. Nemesis Rex strides deliberately from the entrance portal, dragging the limp and unconscious body of Lance Steamer behind him with one hand. Inside the ring, Rhett Holiday’s eyes go wide.**

BLOOMFIELD: “It’s him! It’s Nemesis Rex! He’s alive and he’s here at the PWA Arena!”

**Rex drops the unconscious Steamer on the ramp and begins making a slow and deliberate walk to the ring. His face is a blank, remorseless mask. He moves without a hint of a limp as he makes his way down the entrance ramp. Inside the ring, Rhett Holiday takes a step backwards and glances nervously from Rex to the cacophonous audience and back again. He shakes his head and mutters something in Rex’s direction that isn’t picked up by the microphones.**

BLOOMFIELD: “After what Rhett Holiday did to Nemesis Rex two weeks ago I didn’t think we’d ever see The Devil Himself inside a PWA ring again! Holiday looks as shocked as we are! He looks like he’s seen a ghost and I’m not so sure he’s wrong!”

**Nemesis Rex rolls deliberately into the ring, never taking his eyes off of Holiday. He rises to his feet and makes his way to Holiday, who takes another step back and bares his teeth at the scarred veteran. Off-mic Holiday mouths “No, this isn’t happening. I ended you. I ended you!”, as Rex approaches him.**

BLOOMFIELD: “This is a surreal scene folks. Nemesis Rex is just staring a black hole into Rhett Holiday. I don’t know that I’ve EVER seen that man look so focused. I can’t imagine what must be going through Holiday’s mind right now.”

**Nemesis Rex slowly extends his arms out to the sides, palms up and out. Holiday begins pacing back and forth, staring at Rex with wild, unsettled eyes. Rex continues to glare deep into Holiday’s soul with eyes that seem a thousand yards away. Holiday looks at the crowd, which screams rabidly back at him.**

BLOOMFIELD: “You could cut this tension with a knife! It looks as if Nemesis Rex is literally daring Rhett Holiday to strike him down again!”

**Holiday begins trash-talking Rex off mic. Taking yet another step back and pointing aggressively toward Rex. Rex just continues standing motionlessly… and closes his eyes. Holiday’s own eyes go wide as his lip curls into a sharl. He glances at the crowd one more time… and then takes a desperate, haymaker swing at Rex’s head.**


**Rex brings up a lightning fast left hand to block Holiday’s blow, and then answers with a sharp right hand to Holiday’s throat. Holiday lands flat on his back on the mat and rolls to the floor clutching his neck. With one smooth motion, Nemesis Rex rolls out after him. With workman-like efficiency, he pulls the protective mat from the arena floor, exposing the bare concrete below.**

BLOOMFIELD: “What is Rex doing?!”

**Rex shoots a narrow glance at a stumbling Holiday and floors him with a sharp head butt between the eyes. Holiday collapses to the ground and crawls out over the exposed concrete. Rex reaches a gloved hand out and grasps Holiday by his hair, dragging him to his feet over the concrete. With a smooth motion, Rex whips him around and cinches him into a headlock.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh no! We’ve seen this before! We’ve seen what an Unkindest Cut on the bare concrete can do!”

**Suddenly, Holiday drops to his knees and desperately shoots out of the headlock. He scoots frantically backward and scrambles over the guard rail and into the crowd. Rex advances toward him a couple steps and then stops. Holiday retreats ten feet into the crowd and then stops, his chest heaving and his eyes crazed. Rex stares coldly at him… and then points over at a large sign on the arena wall advertising the PWA King of Deathmatch Supercard. Holiday looks at the sign and back at Rex… and then backs warily into the crowd and disappears. As Rex watches him go, his lip curls into a sadistic sneer.**

BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like the gauntlet has been thrown down! Nemesis Rex is apparently challenging Rhett Holiday to a match at the King of Deathmatch Supercard! I cannot imagine the level of carnage that these two will put each other through at an event like that. Stay tuned folks… we have a ton of action yet to come here on PWA Assault!”