Lights go out and then boom! The afterMATHx music comes on and out come the aMx doing their preposterious dance routine. Johnny Ecks and the Mysterious jAi 1 have mics and are looking to deliver a message.
Ecks: “Booyakasha!!!! We must be on monday night Booya!”
Mj1: “Yo B! Wrong show! We in PWS now.”
Ecks: “I think you mean PWA baybay!”
Mj1: “My bad B! I mean that yo. Know what I mean mang!”
Ecks: “Yeah I’ll holla. Now let us partake in some bidness here.”
Mj1: “Foreals B! Like about this championship match between el Snowmang versus el Pantermang! Why does it seem that these blood brothers are just hogging up the spotlight wideach otha and not sharing or defending that Light Heavy title B!!”
Ecks: “Sir you do make a valid point. Since he won that title he ain’t defended it maybe like once man. What is up with that!”
Mj1: “Oh fo sheezy B! I smells a rat! A dirtay rat! B! And I ain’t gonna sit down by it. Sure these fools can fool all these fools but you ain’t foolin me fool!”
Ecks: “Ughhh yeah what he said, suckas! The aMx don’t take that too lightly and we ain’t gonna let this go by for nothin man! Just like Snow was a jobber at Shaft, we will make sure his jobbing days continue!!!”
Mj1: “Damn right B!”
Ecks: “That title shot should be yours man! You deserve it after what you went through!”
Snow and Pantaro look at each other for a moment, then both reach over the ropes for microphones. Snow gets his first, and immediately started speaking.
SNOW: “You boys are out of line. This man here is the best of the best, and he has proven it multiple times. He’s defended that belt at least three times. And as for me being a jobber in PWS? Well, of all of us out here right now, who’s the only one to hold two belts at once?
“Not to mention, Jai, that you’ve had all of one match here. I hardly think that would catapult you to the top of the line. I mean, Lane had to win 4 matches last season to get his shot at Circus Maximus. As for me, I could have called in a favor with my friend right away, but I didn’t. I fought, I clawed, and I proved myself night after night. Because I didn’t want people saying exactly what you just said. Pantaro and I may be brothers, but I earned this shot. If you’re as good as you think you are, you’ll earn a shot eventually too.”
PANTARO: “And it’s not like I’ve been hiding behind this belt, esse. One title defense? Try four successful title defenses against Rex Camelot, Bokrug Manaj, and Jack Lane on two different occasions. I am a man of honor and I pride myself on being THE fighting champion of PWA! Holding this title is not just a privilege, it is a responsibility that I take very seriously! I have a responsibility to guard the honor of this title and ensure that only the very best may succeed me as champion. I turn away no challenge because each man I face must be at the very peak of mental and physical preparedness and ability in order to defeat me. That is the standard I hold myself to! Jai, since your debut in PWA you have had one victory. A great victory, but one victory all the same. Still… I turn away no challenge…. Snow, you wouldn’t refuse a chance to shut these two mouths, would you?
“AMX, I have a solution. Fight Los Hermanos de Sangre in a tag team match tonight! If AMX wins, Jai will get his title shot against me as soon as it can be done! If the Blood Brothers emerge victorious, you and I, Snow, will finish what we came here tonight for!”
Snow nods in acceptance. “That’s good too. We beat you, I’ve proven I have what it takes to beat every other cruiser in the company. Let’s do this thing.”
Ecks: “Let’s do this boys. A shot if we win. Just remember man, you asked for this! The aMx vs the masked suckas of blood. IT IS ON!!!”
MJ1: “ Yo B! I am down, and I will show you what a jobber is Snowmang! and Pantermang you will be defending against me mang!”