Derrik Arzon vs. Spencer Watts


***As Arzon and Watts lay on the mat catching their breath, the crowd chants loudly for the exciting match to continue. Suddenly, from out of nowhere… JUNIOR COBRA slides into the ring! Arzon begins to pull himself to his feet, and Cobra barrels into him with an explosive dropkick to the chest that sends Arzon flying spine-first into the turnbuckle! He then unbuckles his championship belt and gestures at it with his thumb. Across the ring, Watts is regaining his footing… and Cobra runs over and blasts him in the face with the belt!***

BLOOMFIELD: “Oh my! The PWA Light Heavyweight Champion is attacking everyone! It looks like he’s not waiting for these two to determine a number one contender! Bill White has to do something to regain order here!”

***Bill White tries to appeal to Cobra, demanding that he exit the ring. Cobra just smiles and blasts the PWA senior official with and explosive face full of cobra venom! White flails on the mat with the green mist covering his face.***

BLOOMFIELD: “Bill White has been blinded by Junior Cobra!!”

***White drags himself to a knee wiping painfully at his eyes and signaling dramatically at the timekeeper to ring the bell.***

BLOOMFIELD: “White has thrown this match out! Our seventh and final match in this climactic series has been rendered a no-contest!”

***Cobra dances and cackles like a madman and calls for a microphone.***

COBRA: “You all thought you had the game figured out! But you all overlooked the biggest playing piece! I’m Junior Cobra ya numbnuts! I’m a charter member of the Devil’s Own and I’m the one holding this here gold you two are going after! So excuse me if maybe I have a thing or two to say about who gets to fight yours truly for the honor! And I… hey waitaminute here.”

***Derrik Arzon uses the ropes to rise to his feet once more and staggers toward Cobra, who promptly pops him on the top of the head with the microphone, causing a loud feedback screech to echo through the arena. Derrik falls to his back holding his head.***

COBRA: “Sit down Derrik I ain’t done talking’ just yet. Ya know, I’m kind of disappointed with you. After all the time we spent together you just went off and joined the Camp, throwing away everything we had. Whelp, I guess I need to teach you a… hang on a second.”

***Watts has made it back to one knee and is holding his head. Cobra marches over to him and drags him to his feet in a headlock. He drops the championship on the ground and stands over it. With his free hand, Cobra talks into the microphone.***

COBRA: “Now you, Watts, I never liked. You broke my buddy Anaconda’s arm and made my last season a living hell. Let’s see how you like a Snake Bite right on top of this championship bel…”

***Watts suddenly drops to his knees, slipping out of Cobra’s grasp. He hits Cobra square in the balls with an uppercut between the legs, lifting the champ six inches off the ground.***

BLOOMFIELD: “OH! Look up in the sky indeed!”

***Cobra’s body crumples as he stumbles away from Watts… and into the waiting arms of a recovered Derrik Arzon, who delivers a devastating Thunder Stroke to the champion!***

BLOOMFIELD: “Thunderstroke! Thunderstroke!”

***Now, Watts is to his feet and sees the championship belt on the ground. He drags it into position, and goes to pick Cobra up. He cinches Cobra into position… and delivers a hard DTR Suplex directly onto the belt! Cobra spasms as Arzon and Watts stalk around him.***

BLOOMFIELD: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks as if Cobra came out here to secure an unfair advantage of some sort over his future opponent… but this could not have backfired worse!”

***Arzon grabs Cobra by the arm and pulls him into an Arm Blitz! Cobra flails… and Watts picks up the fallen belt and begins whipping the Light Heavyweight Champion with it over and over again. Cobra taps repeatedly but Arzon refuses to let go! Finally, Arzon releases the hold and Cobra lies on the mat holding his arm. Watts looks hard at the belt, and then at Arzon. Arzon gives Watts a suspicious look… and shakes his head and rolls out of the ring muttering under his breath. Watts watches him go. He looks at the belt and thrusts it in the air before dropping it on the ground by Cobra. Watts then rolls out of the ring himself and heads up the ramp shaking his head.***

BLOOMFIELD: “Well folks, this isn’t the ending to this series that any of us expected or hoped for. What does this mean for the future of the Light Heavyweight Title and the number one contender-ship? Your guess is as good as mine.”

***Cobra holds his arm and grimaces while laying prone on the mat. The camera then cuts to a shot of the entrance area… where a furious-looking Nemesis Rex glares at the champion with gritted teeth.***