PWA Heavyweight Championship – The Masked Shooter II vs. Akira Wyld (C)


***The bell rings and the ring announcer stands up and declares Akira Wyld the winner as Akira paces frustratedly back and forth in the ring. As the announcer says his name and the restless crowd murmurs with dissatisfaction, Akira shakes his head and rolls out of the ring. He stomps over to the timekeeper’s table and grabs the microphone.***

AKIRA: “No! No, no no. We are NOT finishing Assault like this.”

***He rolls back into the ring and scans the crowd.***

AKIRA: “What the hell is this Black? Squash matches? UNCOMPETITIVE contests against unranked opponents? This is NOT what PWA is all about!”

***The crowd roars to life with Akira’s rally.***

AKIRA: “After what happened at King of Deathmatch… I was prepared for a war. After you and your “CAMP” cronies beat the hell out of me and put the PWA locker room on notice, I was ready to enter season 10 with a target on my forehead and my back against the wall. Somehow, you had used your resources to pull together the greatest collection of wrestling talent the world had ever seen, and you somehow managed to get them to turn on their friends and families. A new dawn was breaking in PWA and if you weren’t WITH Damion Black, your days were numbered.”

***Akira walks back and forth in the ring, frowning.***

AKIRA: “I saw that writing on the wall, and I was prepared to face that new world… because the Damion Black I knew was just the kind of sadistic, competitive son of a bitch to put that kind of plan into action. And I was ready to stand toe to toe with the PWA locker room to fight that!”

***The crowd explodes and cheers. Akira frowns and shakes his head.***

AKIRA: “I came here to Assault tonight prepared for the WORST… or so I thought. Because never in a million years did I think I would hear the words I heard come out of Damion Black’s mouth at the start of this show. Damion Black didn’t come here this season to fight! He came here… to fold his hand and quit the game. Damion Black stood in this ring tonight… and told the world that he was DONE with PWA. And worse yet… a ring full of world-class wrestlers that I RESPECT… stood shoulder to shoulder with that snake and AGREED with him!”

***The crowd boos ferociously.***

AKIRA: “Damion Black said that because of the PWA Armada… and because of the hard working wrestlers in the locker room… he is turning his back on everything WE built and is going to burn OUR company to the ground! And worse yet, he tried to prove his point by putting on a noncompetitive GARBAGE show to turn the fans against any wrestler that dared to stand against him!”

***Akira leaps up to the top turnbuckle.***

AKIRA: “The PWA locker room deserves better than that. The PWA Armada deserves better than that! The PWA Heavyweight Championship deserves better than that… and for that matter, so do I! So we are NOT going to end the first Assault of season 10 like this! I happen to know that Black and every member of the CAMP has vacated the arena… so there’s nobody here to stop me from doing this.”

***Akira points to the entrance ramp and holds up his title belt.***

AKIRA: “I want a competitive match tonight for this damn belt, and I’m not sending a single one of you home until I get it! So I’m issuing an open challenge to ANYONE in the locker room right now. Consider this a verbal contract. The next person to walk down that aisle gets a PWA Heavyweight Championship match right here, right now! If you are standing backstage and think that the CAMP is full of crap and you want to send Damion Black a message about just what PWA is REALLY all about… come on our here!”

***Akira throws the mic into the audience and sits down on the turnbuckle, awaiting his challenger.***