*The referee’s hand slaps the mat a third time, and immediately after, Beckett kicks out. The referee signals for the bell to end the match, and Pantaro raises his fists in victory, yelling jubilantly. Beckett’s face is a look of utter shock as he looks first at Pantaro, then the referee. Beckett gets to his feet, yelling at the referee and mimicking raising his should from the mat. The referee shakes his head and holds up 3 fingers. Beckett gets right in the referee’s face, yelling vile threats and yanking his own tights, trying to explain that Pantaro cheated, but the ref does not back down, matching Beckett yell for yell, and still holding up 3 fingers. Beckett finally drops to his knees, still pleading with the ref, who ignores Beckett and exits the ring. Beckett leans forward and pounds the mat with both fists over and over again in frustration. Beckett looks up to see Pantaro on the turnbuckles, celebrating with the crowd. Beckett’s face becomes a mask of rage. Beckett lunges up and grabs Pantaro’s tights, yanking him off the turnbuckle and then hits Pantaro with the Burmminghammer, to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Snow is in the ring in an instant, and is able to get a single finger on Beckett before Beckett is through the ropes and walking up the ramp and calling Snow a coward. Snow stays in the ring, protectively standing over Pantaro.*