*The match is over but both Nemesis Rex and Cassidy Cray remain in the ring. The referee quickly checks in on both wrestlers and then rolls out of the ring to speak to the timekeeper. Nemesis Rex sits patiently in the corner leaning back against the post. A sly smile creases his weathered face. In the other corner of the ring, a tired-looking Cassidy Cray props himself up against the ropes, looking out at the crowd. After a few moments, Cray nods and waves to the crowd and begins to step through the ring ropes to exit the ring.*
BLOOMFIELD: “What an amazing match we’ve just witnessed folks. These competitors left it all in the ring tonight. It’s no secret that Cassidy Cray had a lot on his mind going into this contest. Hopefully, he’s found the answers he was looking for.”
*Before Cray can leave the ring completely, Nemesis Rex quickly pulls himself to his feet and strides over to Cray. He suddenly grabs Cray by the hair and drives a knee into his gut, dropping him to the ground. Without a word, Rex drags Cray to the middle of the ring and cinches him in a front headlock. Rex takes a moment to scan the faces of the crowd… before hoisting Cray into the air by his tights and dropping him headfirst into the canvas with a vicious implant DDT.*
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh my! Nemesis Rex just delivered a massive UNKINDEST CUT to the head of Cassidy Cray! What a despicable, underhanded attack! Cray’s back was turned for god’s sake!”
*Rex sits up after delivering the DDT and regards Cray’s prone body with a smile. He lets out a hearty, rich laugh and rises to his feet. He grabs Cray by the hair and drags him to his feet. He stands for a moment, watching as a dazed Cassidy Cray tries to keep his balance on wobbly legs. Mercilessly, he cinches Cray in another headlock and delivers a second Unkindest Cut to the wrestler.*
BLOOMFIELD: “No! What is he doing?! He’s going to kill Cray in the ring. We need to get someone out here to help! Cray is defenseless!”
*Nemesis Rex laughs again and drags Cray up for yet another Unkindest Cut… but before he can deliver it, Bokrug Manaj’s music fills the arena and Cray’s demented tag-team partner appears at the entrance ramp, looking enraged.*
BLOOMFIELD: “Thank goodness! There’s Bokrug Majaj! He’ll put a stop to this heartless display.”
*Rex’s smile fades and he throws Cray’s limp body to the mat. Rex turns to face the entrance ramp and holds his arms out in a beckoning gesture. Manaj points at Rex, and then drags a finger across his throat and begins stalking his way to the ring.*
BLOOMFIELD: “It looks like we have a fight on our hands folks. Manaj is enraged and I would not want to be Nemesis Rex right now.”
*Suddenly, Manaj is struck hard in the back of the head by a hard forearm out of nowhere! Johnny Ecks stands smirking over the downed Manaj.*
BLOOMFIELD: “What?! Folks, Johnny Ecks just ran out from the backstage area and blindsided Bokrug Manaj with a vicious forearm to the back of the head! I can’t believe this! What is Johnny doing out here?”
*Ecks shoots a sly smile in Nemesis Rex’s direction and hoists Manaj up to his feet by the hair. After making a spinning gesture in the air with his finger he whirls Manaj around and careens him head and shoulder first into the guardrail. Manaj hits hard and sprawls out to the floor holding his neck and head.*
BLOOMFIELD: “What a sadistic display! Manaj is still recovering from a career threatening neck injury!”
*Ecks looks down at Manaj… and then up at Nemesis Rex in the ring. He chuckles under his breath and shrugs at Rex, before flashing a smile and making his way back up the ramp toward the backstage area.*
BLOOMFIELD: “It… it looks like this vicious game of one-upsmanship has escalated to an all new level folks. Johnny Ecks is clearly telling Nemesis Rex that ‘anything you can do, I can do better!’ And he’s doing it at the expense and health of Alpha Omega!”
*Nemesis Rex raises an eyebrow and rests his arms on the ring ropes as he watches Johnny Ecks exit the arena. He slowly nods.*
BLOOMFIELD: “Stay tuned folks, we have a lot more Assault for you coming up after the break!”