**As Starr focuses on the incoming Armageddon, Nakamura makes his way to one of the turnbuckles, where he reaches down underneath the ring apron, pulling out a bat covered in barbed wire. Starr notices, and puts his hands up, backing away from Nakamura cautiously. Nakamura leans against the ropes and, limping, stalks Starr with an evil grin, occasionally licking the barbed wire.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Oh no, ladies and gentleman, we need to get security down here before this gets out of hand! Nakamura has a barbwire bat and we’ve seen what that man is capable of with hardware in his hands!”
**Starr backs toward the ropes, keeping Nakamura in his sights… when suddenly, Armageddon rushes the ring! They quickly make their way to ringside and hop up on the apron, trapping Starr between all three men. Starr looks at all three in quick succession, and then launches himself at Gehenna. Starr pinballs wildly between the three men, raining elbows and forearms at the members of the Union.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Kevin Starr is taking it to The Union! He may be outnumbered but he’s not going down without a fight!”
**Starr fights valiantly, but it only takes a few moments for Ragnarok to life him up and nail Starr with an Awaken the Serpent. All three men beat on The Natural relentlessly for a couple more minutes before Gehenna traps him in the Hades Lock. As Starr taps out furiously, Nakamura nails a couple vicious shots with the bat on the trapped man.**
BLOOMFIELD: “This is a massacre ladies and gentlemen! Kevin Starr has been completely overwhelmed! Wait a minute… wait… who is that running out from the backstage area?!”
**Suddenly, Junior Cobra and Giant Anaconda barrel their way down the entrance ramp and slide into the ring. Nakamura whips around to face them and immediately eats a face full of green mist from Junior Cobra. Nakamura flails wildly while clutching at his eyes. Gehenna and Ragnarok turn to face the Snakes just in time to be nailed with a hard double clothesline by Giant Anaconda. As Armageddon struggles regain their footing, Kevin Starr tackles Gehenna and the two of them tumble through the ropes to the floor.**
BLOOMFIELD: “Chaos has broken out here folks! The Coldsnakes have come out to even the score and get some measure of revenge on the team that stole their tag-team titles last week!”
**Ragnarok stumbles to his feet and glances around, looking for his missing teammates. Seeing Cobra, he takes a wild swing at the smaller wrestler. Suddenly from behind, Anaconda cinches Ragnarok in a standing Anaconda Vise and shakes him violently back and forth while Cobra points and laughs. Then with a sharp, whipping motion, the Giant masked man wrenches Ragnarok up and back into a rude looking sleeper suplex that folds the big man like an accordion on the mat. Ragnarok clutches his neck in pain and rolls quickly out of the ring.**
BLOOMFIELD: “The Union has been forcibly ejected from the ring! The Coldsnakes have come to the unlikely aid of Kevin Starr and the PWA!”
**The Natural rolls back into the ring taunts at The Union, who begin to make their way gingerly up the ramp. Ragnarok is moving stiffly, clutching his neck and grimacing while Nick Spoils stands on the ramp and scowls at the men in the ring.**
BLOOMFIELD: “For the time being it looks as if the Union has been sent packing! Folks stay with us, we have plenty more action here on Assault right after this break!”